Motschenbacher, Heiko (2006): “Women and Men Like Different Things”? – Doing Gender als Strategie der Werbesprache. Marburg: Tectum. [ISBN: 978-3-8288-9073-2]
More details
Book review by Erika Kegyes (University of Miskolc, Hungary) in Querelles-Net 23: Book review
For an English summary, see Motschenbacher 2008c below.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2010): Language, Gender and Sexual Identity: Poststructuralist perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (= IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 29).
[ISBN: 978-90-272-1868-1]
Book review by Alexander Buchner (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) in Language in Society 41.2: 277-278.
Book review by Ann Coady (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) in Journal of Pragmatics 44: 1381-1384.
Book review by Lijing Deng (Ningbo Dahongying University, China) in Discourse Studies 15.5: 660-662.
Book review by Claudia Posch (Universität Innsbruck, Austria) in Gender and Language 8.3: 423-427.
Review essay by A. Virginia Acuña Ferreira (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain) in Sociolinguistic Studies 10.4: 611-636.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2012): An Interdisciplinary Bibliography on Language, Gender and Sexuality (2000-2011). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ISBN: 978-90-272-1200-9]
Book review by Katrina Daly Thompson (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) in Gender and Language 7.3: 421-424.
Review essay by A. Virginia Acuña Ferreira (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain) in Sociolinguistic Studies 10.4: 611-636.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2013): New Perspectives on English as a European Lingua Franca. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ISBN: 978-90-272-1207-8]
Book review by Paola Vettorel (University of Verona, Italy) in Iperstoria 4: 169-175.
Book review by Danyang Zhang & Xiao Lin (Zhejiang University, China) in Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies 9.2: 73-76.
Book review by Eulàlia Borràs Riba (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain) in Language and Intercultural Communication 16.1: 120-122.
Book review by David Deterding (Brunei Darussalam University, Brunei) in Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 6.1: 197-199.
Book review by Gibson Ferguson (University of Sheffield, UK) in Discourse & Society 28.2: 235-237.
Book review by Chit Cheung Matthew Sung (Lingnan University Hong Kong, China) in Language in Society 44: 600-601.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016): Language, Normativity and Europeanisation: Discursive Evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [ISBN: 978-1-137-56300-2] (series: Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse)
Book review by Vincent Pak (National University of Singapore) in Language in Society 49.1: 162-163.
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Motschenbacher, Heiko (2022): Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity: Corpus-Based Evidence. London: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1-032-04020-2] (series: Routledge Research in Language, Gender, and Sexuality)
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Research articles & book reviews (selection)
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2006): “Review of Mondorf, Britta: Gender Differences in English Syntax. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2004.” Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 44: 127-134.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2007): “Can the term ‘genderlect’ be saved? A postmodernist re-definition.” Gender and Language 1.2: 255-278.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2008a): “Werbesprachliche Genderstilisierung für globale Zeitschriften-Communities.” In: Held, Gudrun & Bendel, Sylvia (eds.): Werbung – grenzenlos. Multimodale Werbetexte im interkulturellen Vergleich. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 57-76.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2008b): “Structural linguistic gender categories and discursive materialization: A deconstructionist analysis.” Indiana University Working Papers in Linguistics 8.3: 21-46.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2008c): ”’Women and men like different things’? Doing gender as a strategy of advertising language.” [Summary of doctoral thesis] English and American Studies in German 41: 34-37.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2009a): “Speaking the gendered body. The performative construction of commercial femininities and masculinities via body-part vocabulary.” Language in Society 28.1: 1-22.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2009b): “Review of Morrish, Liz & Sauntson, Helen: New Perspectives on Language and Sexual Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.” Gender and Language 3.1: 131-133.
Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko & Mühleisen, Susanne (2010): “Language in its socio-cultural context: New explorations in gendered, global and media uses.” In: Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko & Mühleisen, Susanne (eds.): Language in its Socio-Cultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 9-19.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2010a): “Female-as-norm (FAN): A typology of female and feminine generics.” In: Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko & Mühleisen, Susanne (eds.): Language in its Socio-Cultural Context: Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 35-67.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2010b): “Speaking commercial femininities and masculinities: Advertising language in Cosmopolitan and Men’s Health magazines.” In: Kelly-Holmes, Helen & Mautner, Gerlinde (eds.): Language and the Market. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 201-212.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2010c): “The discursive interface of national, European and sexual identities: Preliminary evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest.” In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara & Pułaczewska, Hanna (eds.): Intercultural Europe: Arenas of Difference, Communication and Mediation. Stuttgart: Ibidem, 85-103.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2011): “Taking Queer Linguistics further: Sociolinguistics and critical heteronormativity research.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 212: 149-179.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2012a): “Queere Linguistik: Theoretische und methodologische Überlegungen zu einer heteronormativitätskritischen Sprachwissenschaft.” In: Günthner, Susanne; Hüpper, Dagmar & Spieß, Constanze (eds.): Genderlinguistik. Sprachliche Konstruktionen von Geschlechtsidentität. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 87-125.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2012b): “Negotiating sexual desire at the Eurovision Song Contest: On the verge of homonormativity?” In: Calderón, Marietta & Marko, Georg (eds.): Let’s Talk About (Texts About) Sex. Sex and Language. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 287-299.
Leap, William L. & Motschenbacher, Heiko (2012): “Launching a new phase in language and sexuality studies.” Journal of Language and Sexuality 1.1: 1-14.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2012c): ”’I think Houston wants a kiss right?’: Linguistic constructions of heterosexualities at Eurovision Song Contest press conferences.” Journal of Language and Sexuality 1.2: 127-150.
Motschenbacher, Heiko & Stegu, Martin (2013): “Queer Linguistic approaches to discourse.” Discourse & Society 24.5: 519-535.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2013a): “Now everybody can wear a skirt”: Linguistic constructions of non-heteronormativity at Eurovision Song Contest press conferences. Discourse & Society 24.5: 590-614.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2013b): “Gentlemen before ladies? A corpus-based study of conjunct order in personal binomials.” Journal of English Linguistics 41.3: 212-242.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2013c): “A typologically based view on relativisation in English as a European lingua franca.” European Journal of Applied Linguistics 1.1: 103-138.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2014a): “Focusing on normativity in language and sexuality studies: Insights from conversations on objectophilia.” Critical Discourse Studies 11.1: 49-70.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2014b): “Review of Takahashi, Kimie: Language Learning, Gender and Desire. Japanese Women on the Move. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2013.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 17.5: 630-633.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2014c): “Language, normativity and power: The discursive construction of objectophilia.” In: Pishwa, Hanna & Schulze, Rainer (eds.): The Expression of Inequality in Interaction: Power, Dominance, and Status. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 239-264.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2014d): “Grammatical gender as a challenge for language policy: The (im)possibility of non-heteronormative language use in German vs. English.” Language Policy 13.3: 243–261.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2015a): “Some new perspectives on gendered language structures.” In: Hellinger, Marlis & Motschenbacher, Heiko (eds.): Gender Across Languages. The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Volume IV. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 27-48.
Motschenbacher, Heiko & Weikert, Marija (2015): “Structural gender trouble in Croatian.” In: Hellinger, Marlis & Motschenbacher, Heiko (eds.): Gender Across Languages. The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Volume IV. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 49-95.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2015b): “Structural gender linguistics and de-essentialisation: A study of Croatian personal nouns.” In: Scheller-Boltz, Dennis (ed.): New Approaches to Gender and Queer Research in Slavonic Studies. München: Otto Sagner, 51-69.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016a): “A poststructuralist approach to structural gender linguistics: Initial considerations.” In: Abbou, Julie & Baider, Fabienne (eds.): Gender, Language and the Periphery: Grammatical and Social Gender from the Margins. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 65-88.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016b): “Gender, inclusion and English language teaching: A linguistic perspective.” In: Elsner, Daniela & Lohe, Viviane (eds.): Gender and Language Learning: Research and Practice. Tübingen: Narr, 97-112.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016c): “A corpus linguistic study of the situatedness of English pop song lyrics.” Corpora 11.1: 1-28.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016d): “A discursive approach to structural gender linguistics.” Gender and Language 10.2: 149-169.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016e): “Early approaches to conceptualizing English in Europe.” In: Linn, Andrew (ed.): Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. Berlin: de Gruyter, 59-66.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016f): “English in Europe and the postmodernist paradigm.” In: Linn, Andrew (ed.): Investigating English in Europe: Contexts and Agendas. Berlin: de Gruyter, 106-113.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2016g): “Inclusion and foreign language education: What linguistics can contribute.” ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics 167.2: 159–189.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2017a): “Compliments, gender and sexuality in European ELF talk.” In: Handler, Peter, Kaindl, Klaus & Wochele, Holger (eds.): Ceci n’est pas une festschrift: Texte zur Angewandten und Romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft für Martin Stegu. Berlin: Logos, 259–278.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2017b): “Strukturelle Genderlinguistik: Ein diskursiver Ansatz.” Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST) 91: 87–110.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2018a): “Sexuality in Critical Discourse Studies.” In: Flowerdew, John & Richardson, John E. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies. London: Routledge, 388–402.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2018b): “Corpus linguistics in language and sexuality studies: Taking stock and future directions.” Journal of Language and Sexuality 7.2: 145–174.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2018c): “Critical discourse analysis and institutional communication.” In: Habscheid, Stephan; Müller, Andreas P.; Thörle, Britta & Wilton, Antje (eds.): Handbuch Sprache in Organisationen. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 346–363.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019a): “Discursive shifts associated with coming out: A corpus-based study of news reports on Ricky Martin.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 23.3: 284–302.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019b): “Language and sexual normativity.” In: Barrett, Rusty & Hall, Kira (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (in print).
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019c): “Non-nativeness as a dimension of inclusion: A multimodal representational analysis of EFL textbooks.” International Journal of Applied Linguistics 29.3: 285–307.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019d): “Methods in language, gender and sexuality studies: An overview.” Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 84: 43–79.
Coimbra Gomes, Elvis & Motschenbacher, Heiko (2019): “Language, normativity and sexual orientation obsessive-compulsive disorder (SO-OCD): A corpus-assisted discourse analysis.” Language in Society 48.4: 565–584.
Motschenbacher, Heiko & Roivainen, Eka (2020): “Personality traits, adjectives and gender: Integrating corpus linguistic and psychological approaches.” Journal of Language and Discrimination 4.1: 16–50.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020a): “Language use before and after Stonewall: A corpus-based study of gay men’s pre-Stonewall narratives.” Discourse Studies 22.1: 64–86.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020b): “Walking on Wilton Drive: A linguistic landscape analysis of a homonormative space.” Language and Communication 72: 25–43.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020c): “Greece, the Netherlands and (the) Ukraine: A corpus-based study of the syntactic behaviour of English country names.” Names 68.1: 1–16.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020d): “Corpus linguistic onomastics: A plea for a corpus-based investigation of names.” Names 68.2: 88–103.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020e): “Coming out and normative shifts: Investigating usage patterns of “gay” and “homosexual” in a corpus of news reports on Ricky Martin.” Sociolinguistic Studies 14.1/2: 61–84.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2020f): “Coming out – seducing – flirting: Shedding light on sexual speech acts.” Journal of Pragmatics 170: 256–270.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2021a): “Language and sexuality studies today: Why “homosexual” is a bad word and why “queer linguist” is not an identity.” Journal of Language and Sexuality 10.1: 25–36.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2021b): “Foreign language learning and sexuality-related inclusion: A multimodal analysis of representational practices in the German textbook series Navi Englisch.” In: Pakuła, Łukasz (ed.): Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 51–75.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2021c): “Corpus-based considerations on critical literacy in ELT: The linguistic representation of Ricky Martin in the news media.” In: Paiz, Joshua M. & Coda, James (eds.): Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Learning and Teaching. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 217–259.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2021d): “Linguistic barriers in foreign language education.” In: Mohebbi, Hassan & Coombe, Christine (eds.): Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide. Cham: Springer, 711–716.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2023): “Affective regimes on Wilton Drive: A multimodal analysis.” Semiotic Studies 33.1: 168-187.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2024): “Contrasting a university’s language policy with its linguistic landscape: A Norwegian case study.” Current Issues in Language Planning 25.3: 237-265.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (2024): “Queer linguistics.” In: Nesi, Hilary & Milin, Petar (eds.): Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, [1–4].
Edited volumes
Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko & Mühleisen, Susanne (eds.) 2010: Language in its Socio-Cultural Context: New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. [ISBN: 978-3-631-59233-5]
Book review by Tianping He (Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China) in Discourse Studies 14.5: 668-670.
Book review by Dalal Sarnou (University of Mostaganem, Oran, Algeria) in Language in Society 43.1: 130-131.
Motschenbacher, Heiko & Stegu, Martin (eds.) 2013: Queer Linguistic Approaches to Discourse (Special Issue: Discourse & Society 24.5) Los Angeles: Sage.
Hellinger, Marlis & Motschenbacher, Heiko (eds.) 2015: Gender Across Languages. The Linguistic Representation of Women and Men. Volume IV. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [ISBN: 978-90-272-1878-0]
Book review by Christopher D. Sams (Stephen F. Austin State University, USA): LinguistList 27.1504.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (ed.) 2018: Corpus Linguistics in Language and Sexuality Studies: Developments and Prospects (Special Issue: Journal of Language and Sexuality 7.2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Motschenbacher, Heiko (ed.) 2019: Linguistic Dimensions of Inclusion in Language Teaching and Multilingual Contexts (Special Issue: International Journal of Applied Linguistics 29.3). New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Cirocki, Andrzej; Motschenbacher, Heiko (eds) (2022): Diversity and Representation in the ELT Classroom (special issue: European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL 11.2). Pforzheim: LinguaBooks.